Friday, 3 August 2018

Teaching is a Public Activity

Visible Teaching

Teaching that is visible via class sites promotes 'equality vs equity'.  It enables opportunities for learners to access learning in multiple modes and to rewind the learning as needed.

It allows learners to know what is coming up, whānau (family) to see what their child is learning.

Google Keep

I learnt how to take a photo of text in the Keep app on my phone.
In a keep note:
+ button > take photo > click on image > click ...  > grab text image.
Text shows in note.

Class Sites 

Visible class sites and what makes an appealing and easy to use experience on class sites?

Ideas we came up with after looking at a range of sites.


  1. The grab image text is a great feature I can lots of uses for. And you are so right about learning and being visible, imagine trying to learn with a blind fold on.

    1. Appreciate your feedback Tanya. Thanks.

  2. Kia Ora Maria,

    He mihi nui tēnei kia koe nā runga anō i āwhina koe mā te whārangi whakairinga rangitaki i tōku whakaaroaro e pā ana ki te akoranga kua akohia e au

    1. Kia ora Lee-ann,

      I'm glad you have learnt so much. I'm am more than happy to share what I know.

      Ngā mihi,
