This is a year 4 class where all students have their own Chromebooks. We use Google Meet for our online interactions. The teacher shares the Google Meet session on a large screen in the classroom.
I've included the complete lesson as recorded on Google Meet. This unedited recording provides an authentic experience, showing both successes and challenges. You'll notice instances where I make mistakes, there's a classroom announcement over the speaker, and we even spend some time discussing blog administration.
Initial Thoughts
I've realized that I tend to speak quite loudly, almost using my "teacher's voice," even though we're in a virtual environment on Meet.
Key Observations
1:00 We review and discuss the work students completed in the previous week. 4:30 Team teaching with the class teacher revisit past learning 5:10 I demonstrate concepts on the screen while the class teacher provides explanations. 9:03 Showing current screens on Hāpara Highlights 11:50 Chromebook screens are 'sharked' (half-closed) and learners are focused on the big screen 18:05 Exploring individual student work through Hāpara Highlights. 27:22 Teaching how to crop an image 44:24 I appreciate how the class teacher co-teaches by setting guidelines. 44:56 Some time spent on blog administration. 54:01 I teach the teacher but forget to share my screen!
What's Up Next
The teacher's proactive and enthusiastic approach is worth noting. How might I inspire other teachers to match this level of engagement during online facilitation?
During the blog administration discussion, most students remain on track. It's important to recognize that the length of these discussions might vary in different classrooms. In some cases, discussions might need to continue outside of the Google Meet session.
As is often the case, making mistakes during live modelling provides valuable learning opportunities. It's encouraging to see these moments put to good use.
Considering the students' level, I've realized that I tend to focus primarily on modelling the learning process. To enhance the experience, I could also provide rewindable resources like videos for students to refer back to during independent learning.
Additional Considerations
What aspects might I have overlooked? I'm open to suggestions on how I can improve my teaching methods. Is there anything you believe I should approach differently?
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