Friday, 15 September 2023

Teaching the Teachers

 Once again, I am reflecting on my teaching online.

The recording is with adults. Teachers have chosen to be part of an Online Toolkit. This is one of the many termly offerings in the Manaiakalani Toolkits Online.

I recorded the video from within the Google Meet.

What I Notice

0:48 The recording does not show the chat! 2:18 I use time-fillers quite a lot, e.g. Umm... Ummm... 2:33 I am looking at a second screen. 5:46 Am I frozen? Checking in - can participants see or hear what they need? I was frozen henceforth! (Never had this before) 6:30 People are quiet - does that mean they are following and understanding? Perhaps I should be checking in more. I can see people on the screen although they do not show in the recording. 35:24 Good to hear people giving verbal feedback. Wait time is useful.

The content has been shared with people before we begin. It is rewindable so people can access it anytime and as many times as they need. 

Next Steps

People not being able to see me may have been a barrier to learning. I think for the future if this happens I should stop and try to fix it by stopping presenting my screen or logging off the video call and joining again.

A difference between working with adults and learners is that I rely on adults speaking up if there are questions or issues. When working with learners, having Hāpara Highlights means I can see what they are doing on their screen and can pick up issues early.

Perhaps giving adults other ways to show their understanding could be valuable. A jamboard to share a screenshot of the reader they created. A poll with pre-prepared questions for them to respond to would be another quick way to capture understanding. This could be done anonymously so as to get an overall picture.

Makes me think... Prepare, prepare, prepare.

Preparation is the key.

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